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The FreezeZone
tabs usually have the authors name in them. Most of the tabs are transcribed
by Antti Iiskola, some by Rumen Krastev and some by other people, who have given
FreezeZone the right to publish their tabs here. Making tabs really isn't rockect
science. All you have to have is a pair of good ears, lots of patience and some
knowledge on playing guitar. We´re happy to help in transcribing songs
if we can. And any tab you have made, we´re happy to check them and maybe
even publish here. Here in FreezeZone
getting tabs is real easy. Just go to the tabs - section and click on the song
you want. You´ll get a preview of the tab right away. If you want to print
the tab, click on the printer - icon and then on the link to print your page.
You can also copy the tab to your computer by copying the text from that page.
Please, remember that you´re not allowed to publish these tabs anywhere
without a permission from FreezeZone or the tab author. If you want to
get tabs for other bands or artists, just use a search engine. Keywords tabs
and the artist name should work. You may also want to try the keyword chords
to search for chordfiles. One place to start would probably be The Online Guitar
Archive - www.olga.net. Well, all you really
need is a text editor. Even Notepad will do, even though it´s little slow
to use. But basically anything that allows you to use monospaced fonts is fine.
I personally use a program called Text Pad pretty often, but sometimes I edit
my tabs with tab programs, such as Guitar Studio or similar. Actual transcribing
is the hardest part. All I can say is have a lot of patience and listen to the
song over a few times before you start. Can you really transcribe it? After
you´ve chosen a song. Listen to it over and over again. And while writing
the parts down, I usually sit with my guitar and computer and listen a little
piece of the song over and over playing along and writing down how it goes.
When a tab is done, I leave it for couple of days and then check if I still
agree with it. If I do, I publish it, if not, I´ll have to correct it. First check that
it is written with FreezeZone - standards in mind, ie. the tabs look like others
on this site. Then just choose Contact -> Send us your tabs from the menu
on top of your screen. In FreezeZone all
the songs are arranged by albums. So in order to find a song you must know which
album it is on. You may also use the search - function once it´s up and
running. Choose About ->
Tabs from the menu. Or click here. If you find something
to complain about the lyrics or something is missing let me know. The lyrics
have been confirmed from album covers or CD - booklets whenever possible. Some
mistakes might still be there, please let me know if you find any. If you have
lyrics to the songs we don't yet have, please send them to us.